Medical Advisors

Our accredited Medical Advisory Board consists of the nation's leading doctors, physicians, specialists, and medical associations. The medical advisors at Cinema World have worked with a wide variety of writers, including those from shows like Life On Mars, All My Children, One Life to Live and Guiding Light for the past fourteen years. During that time, and thanks to some really wild story lines, they have developed relationships with practitioners in every medical specialty, and with many in law enforcement to boot.

The nurses who make up the Cinema World research team keep our writers up to date on the medical realities of today's hospital world. For example, we don't believe that real nurses wear high heels at work. Cinema World can't promise that the medical and police jargon they supply will always be pretty, but they can promise that it is authentic.

The Cinema World Medical Research for Writers Office is proud of the reputation it has earned for accuracy, and they enjoy the pressures of working with a deadline.

Our accredited Medical Advisors are available seven days a week for consultation.